
Do it faster with Kona

Tired of using awkward DynamoDB tools and writing the same error-prone scripts again and again?

Kona is the DynamoDB IDE you have been looking for.


Start your 7-day free trial. No credit card required.

By downloading and using Kona, you agree to the End User License Agreement and the Privacy Policy.


This is just the start. Much more to come!

Multiple accounts

Open tables in multiple AWS accounts in any region at the same time.

Easy searching

Search using any combination of filters. Kona selects the index automatically for the best query performance.

Edit items

Add, modify, and delete items using the JSON editor. Syntax highlighting, code folding, and integrated search: it's all there!

Export data

Export search results as JSON or CSV to files or to the clipboard.

View metadata

View table metadata such as ARN, item count, average item size, and indexes.

Display formats

View values in different formats, like numeric timestamps as ISO dates.


Kona is free for 7 days. After that, you can choose the best license for you.



1 License

Mac, Windows, Linux

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Email support


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